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What’s Next After Your Boat Insurance Quote?

There are plenty of factors to consider, and we’re strong proponents of the belief that you shouldn’t commit to a new marine insurance policy before you completely understand what you’re getting.


Posté le 08 avr. 2021.

Is There a Creature Stirring in Your Boathouse?

As we relax and settle into the holiday season**, it’s easy to forget about your boat, safely snuggled away under its wraps or locked in the boathouse. However, as you’re feasting and getting warm in front of the fireplace, there may very well be some critters making themselves at home in your boat.


Posté le 11 mars 2021.

5 Tips for Safe Late Season Boating in Ontario

Fact is that in Ontario, winters mean it’s the end of another season for boaters. When the temperatures drop, that’s usually when boats are put into storage.


Posté le 14 janv. 2021.

Heading Out on Your Jet-Ski? Here’s Why You Need Insurance

For those who want a little more excitement and freedom on the water, PWCs (Personal Watercraft) aka jet-skis or SeaDoos, is as close as you can get to flying right over the waves. There’s nothing to compare with the feeling of the wind streaming past your face, the lake spray at your ankles, and feeling like the entire lake is yours to explore. However, if you’re skimming over the waves without personal watercraft insurance, the only thing standing between you and a ruined day on the water is a little bad luck.


Posté le 10 déc. 2020.

Emergency Towing: An Essential Part of the MD Advantage

It’s a beautiful day out on the water. Your cooler’s packed with snacks, you’ve got a few great co-pilots along for the ride, and you’ve found the perfect spot to cruise. What could go wrong? A few hours offshore, you find out.


Posté le 16 nov. 2020.

3 Reasons Why Watercraft Insurance is the Best Co-Captain You’ll Ever Have

There’s nothing quite like seeing the sunrise on the waves, or watching the clouds roll overhead during a peaceful afternoon of fishing. It’s even lovelier if you have the chance to take some time on the water just for yourself but going out on the water alone means that you have to be responsible for whatever challenges arise.


Posté le 05 nov. 2020.